My Time at ICS

My Time at ICS

It's been over two decades since I last wandered the halls of IC, yet with just a gentle closing of my eyes, I can vividly recapture every single detail: the line of blue lockers, the white painted cinder blocks, and the path that meandered to the gym and out to the portable classrooms. Memories of field days, cherished moments at the Pines, the joyous Christmas programs, the harmonious chime of playing handbells, and four-square on the blacktop. How could I ever forget the camaraderie of spirit sticks, the intellectual dances of math with Sister Regina, and the creative explorations in Sister Lilliane’s writing classes? Each moment at IC, wove into me a profound sense of belonging and community. My journey there was more than educational—it was transformational, shaping my aspirations and guiding me towards a career in education. These memories are not just recollections; they are treasures, illuminating the path for future generations. I hold these experiences close to my heart, and I am filled with hope that your child, too, will soon weave their own tapestry of cherished moments at IC.
By Darryl Legaspi- Alumni of Immaculate Conception Crusaders
Immaculate Conception Catholic School
It's been over two decades since I last wandered the halls of IC, yet with just a gentle closing of my eyes, I can vividly recapture every single detail: the line of blue lockers, the white painted cinder blocks, and the path that meandered to the gym and out to the portable classrooms. Memories of field days, cherished moments at the Pines, the joyous Christmas programs, the harmonious chime of playing handbells, and four-square on the blacktop. How could I ever forget the camaraderie of spirit sticks, the intellectual dances of math with Sister Regina, and the creative explorations in Sister Lilliane’s writing classes? Each moment at IC, wove into me a profound sense of belonging and community. My journey there was more than educational—it was transformational, shaping my aspirations and guiding me towards a career in education. These memories are not just recollections; they are treasures, illuminating the path for future generations. I hold these experiences close to my heart, and I am filled with hope that your child, too, will soon weave their own tapestry of cherished moments at IC. By Darryl Legaspi- Alumni of Immaculate Conception Crusaders

